This is the school to learn you how to fight with a lightsaber! The Force Academy gives lightsaber fans the opportunity to fully master fighting with a lightsaber. Everyone is welcome: age, experience and posture are not relevant!
The Force Academy will be giving workshops during Dutch Comic Con in dueling with lightsabers. It is one of the most fun sports to participle in and it is good for your body and selfconfidence! It isn’t always easy, but you will develop in power, flexibility, flow and pride.
Young, old, sportive or not: everybody can do it! So join in at Heroes Dutch Comic Con! The workshops will be given six times a day: 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 12:45 p.m., 14:00 p.m., 15:00 p.m. and 16:00 p.m.
May The Force be with you!