Print and play these free games from Asmodee and win great prizes!


Being bored is no longer an option with the games from Asmodee that you can download and print online for free. Now that most people are sitting at home, playing board games and party games to have fun with your loved ones is more popular than ever. Asmodee has made nice print & play versions of some of their games that can be downloaded for free!

Almost every edition of Heroes Dutch Comic Con, Asmodee is present where you can try all kinds of cool games at their stand. They are a specialized distribution company in board and card games in the Dutch-speaking market. With an extensive range of more than 6,000 different items, Asmodee The Netherlands is, among other things, specialized and known for Trading Card Games (TCG) and Collectibles such as KeyForge, Pokémon TCG, Magic: The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragon Ball Z.

As part of their ‘Print & Play’ initiative, everyone can now print and play the games themselves. The free board games offer a variety of competitive and cooperative experiences for young and old to participate in imaginary, strategic and brain-cracking games.  Currently there are 7 titles available for download: from the colourful card game ‘Dobble’ to the escape room puzzle game ‘Unlock’. Curious about the other available games? Visit the site and have fun! 

Join and win!

Do you want to win one of these 7 games? Print the games and play them, take a nice picture of how you’re having fun at home with the games and share your picture on Facebook under the Print & Play post, or share it on Instagram and tag @dutchcomiccon and @asmodeenl.

Let us know which of the 7 games below you would like to win and who knows, you may receive one of the games at home soon.

– Dobble
– Dixit
– Unlock
– Timeline
– Cortex
– Concept
– Corinth

The team Heroes Dutch Comic Con and Asmodee wish you a lot of fun. Keep a close eye on our social media, because you might be the lucky winner of one of Asmodee’s fun prizes!

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